P.O. Box 243
EEA-Agreement - Aerial Work and air transport within Norway outside airport open for commercial air transport operations - market access
Cancel AIC A 09/98
Air operators registered in states which are party to the EEA agreement, wishing to perform aerial work and/or air transport within Norway outside airport that are open for commercial air transport operations, have to submit an application to the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority, ref. Norwegian Aviation Act art. 2-2 and 8-8. Reciprocity must be exercised between Norway and the home state of the applicant with regard to market access for the category of operation applied for.
The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority must receive the application no later than two working days prior to commencement of the operation in question. The application must include the following information:
1. Name and address of the air operator, as well as telephone numb er and telefax number.
2. Regarding the operation:
- The kind of operation to be flown
- Where the operation is to take place
- Name and address of the customer
- When the operation is to be initiated
- Duration of the operation
3. The type, registration and owner of the aircraft.
Furthermore, copies of the following valid documentation is required:
4. The operating license (or alternatively any other operating permit) and AOC (Air Operator's Certificate) or equivalent.
5. The technical maintenance authorization from the civil aviation authority of the home state of the operator. It is presupposed that the maintenance is executed by a maintenance organization certified according to JAR 145.
6. Third party liability insurance.
The application should be submitted to:
Civil Aviation Authority
P.O. Box 243
NO-8001 BODØ
or by using telefax number +47 75 58 50 05