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Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC). A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.

Change of coordination status for Svalbard Airport, Longyear (LYR)

AIC-I 08/22 3 JUN

On 3 June 2022, the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway changed the coordination status for Svalbard Airport, Longyear (LYR), from facilitated Level 2 to coordinated airport, Level 3.


Additional requirements for air operations in Svalbard

AIC-I 06/22 7 APR

The Civil Aviation Authority of Norway (N-CAA) has adopted additional requirements for air operations in Svalbard.


Restrictions for Russian flights

AIC-I 05/22 21 MAR

AIC-I 02/22 has been withdrawn. Norway has adopted restrictions for Russian flights. These regulations apply to airspace over the territory of the Kingdom of Norway.


Validation of PPL, CPL and ATPL for non-commercial operations – 28 days

AIC-I 04/22 17 MAR

This AIC-I 04/22 replaces AIC-I 06/19.


Internasjonale charterflyginger til Svalbard

AIC-I 03/22 7 MAR

AIC-I 11/20 og 12/20 er med dette opphevet. Internasjonale ikke-regelbundne flyginger kan igjen få tillatelse til Svalbard (ENSB).


Ny avgift for 2022 for flyginger til kontinentalsokkelen fra lufthavner med helikopterterminal drevet av Avinor AS

AIC-I 06/21 8 DEC

Ny lufthavnavgift for 2022 for flyginger til kontinentalsokkelen fra lufthavner med helikopterterminal drevet av Avinor AS


Lufthavnavgifter for 2022 på lufthavner drevet av Avinor AS

AIC-I 5/21 22 NOV

Luftfartstilsynet har, i forskrift av 19. november 2021, vedtatt nye lufthavnavgifter for alle lufthavner drevet av Avinor AS. 


Information regarding Aviation Security in Norway

AIC-I 03/21 18 JUN

Please be informed that Norway is a part of the EU “One-Stop” security system, and that all EU Security Regulations are implemented through Norwegian Security Regulations (The Regulation on the Prevention of Unlawful Acts against the Security of Civil Aviation of March 1st, 2011 no. 214 § 3) as required by the EEA Agreement.


Endring av forskrift 1. juli 2011 nr. 732 om lufttrafikkledelse

AIC-I 14/20 19 NOV

Luftfartstilsynet vedtok 12. november 2020 forskrift om endring av forskrift 1. juli 2011 nr. 732 om lufttrafikkledelse (BSL G 8-1). Endringen gjelder ansvar for terrengatskillelse og temperaturkorrigering.


10/20 Changes in the Part-FCL licence format

AIC-I 10/20 1 JUL

CAA Norway has changed the layout of the current Part-FCL licence for aeroplanes and helicopters for the following licences: PPL, CPL, MPL and ATPL.


Automatic Validation of Part-FCL licence for non-EU flights.

AIC-I 06/20 23 MAR

Information to pilots flying outside the EU with an aircraft registered in a Member State other than the country that issued your Part-FCL license.


Introduction of new exam scheme for ATPL/CPL/IR/EIR/CB-IR

AIC-I 02/20 21 FEB

CAA Norway introduces a new examination scheme for conducting the theoretical exam for ATPL, CPL, IR, EIR and CB-IR. From 16 March 2020, the theoretical examination will be conducted electronically at some of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's traffic stations. With the introduction of the new scheme, the current scheme of exams in Sandefjord, Bardufoss and Bodø will end.


Weather minima requirements when approving SET-IMC operations in Norway

AIC-I 03/19 13 MAR

In order to carry out commercial air transport with single engine turbine aircraft under instrument flight conditions or at night (SET-IMC), a special approval is required from the Competent Authority. The requirement for such a SET-IMC approval follows the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, Annex V, Subpart L (SPA.SET-IMC).


Information on upcoming proposal for requirements for multi-crew concept for scheduled flights at short-haul airports

AIC-I 02/19 13 MAR


Procedures for extreme QNH-values outside the altimeter setting scale

AIC-I 02/18 21 JUN
