Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC). A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.
Scheduled and non-scheduled flights to and from Svalbard – change of administrative practice with regards to passenger/crew lists
This publication replaces AIC-I 05/15.
29.05.2018Renewal of instructor certificate (FI renewal)
Guidelines for the renewal of instructor certificates in the categories FI(A) and FI(H).
29.05.2018CAA Norway is conducting UAT ground station trials
The UAT (Universal Access Transceiver) test transmitter plays a critical role in modern aviation, providing essential data for traffic, weather, and airspace information. As we continue to advance in our testing phases, it’s crucial for operators and pilots to understand the capabilities and limitations of these systems.
29.05.201805/23 Ny avgift for 2024 for flyginger til kontinentalsokkelen fra lufthavner med helikopterterminal drevet av Avinor AS
Requirements for an aerobatic instructor with associated rating designation
Regulatory reference: FCL.905.FI (g). The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority hereby clarify the practice that applies to aerobatic instructors for holders of a Norwegian Part-FCL licence.
29.05.201801/23 Ny avgift for 2023 for flygninger til kontinentalsokkelen fra lufthavner med helikopterterminal drevet av Avinor AS
Ny lufthavnavgift for 2023 for flyginger til kontinentalsokkelen fra lufthavner med helikopterterminal drevet av Avinor AS.
29.05.201811/22 Nye lufthavnavgifter for 2023 på lufthavner drevet av Avinor AS
Luftfartstilsynet har vedtatt nye lufthavnavgifter for alle lufthavner drevet av Avinor AS.
29.05.2018Meteorologisk observasjonstjeneste fra offshore installasjoner på norsk kontinentalsokkel
Forskrift om flyværtjeneste på norsk kontinentalsokkel: FOR-2021-02-23-526 (BSL G 7-1) stiller krav til værobservasjoner på innretninger.