New Application Process for ATPL(A) Skill Test Effective February 1, 2025
As of February 1, 2025, the application process for candidates applying for the initial issuance of the ATPL(A) skill test will change. The change implies that candidates no longer shall apply separately using the form “Application for ATPL skill test” for aeroplane or helicopter.
Details regarding the minimum requirements for ATPL and flight time are now part of the updated forms:
- For aeroplane: NF-1028 ATPL aeroplane, type rating multi-pilot aeroplanes and single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes
- For helicopter: NF-1164 ATPL Type Rating Skill Test Proficiency Check Single Pilot or Multi-Pilot Helicopter
The new application process stipulates that the candidate is solely responsible for ensuring that all requirements are documented and included when submitting the skill test form to the examiner.
The examiner must adhere to procedures and all requirements in Part FCL (with AMC and GM). The CAA Norway also requires that for the ATPL skill test, the candidate shall be tested "performing the duties of the commander and occupying the commander's seat” in the appropriate aircraft category.
Furthermore, CAA Norway requires the test to be conducted with a qualified co-pilot. The examiner cannot act as a co-pilot during the test in a simulator.
Should you have questions or need clarification, contact us through
ATPL checklist
- A Norwegian EASA medical certificate
- Theoretical Knowledge Examination
- Experience & Training
- ATPL Skill test procedures
- English Language Proficiency Rating
- ATPL(A) skill test Form NF-1028
- ATPL(H) skill test Form NF-1042