Specific category
The specific category will fit most operators that do not fit in the open category. A lot of operations in specific are beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS).
There are several options for operators to get approval for flying in the specific category:
- SORA: Apply for authorisation through a Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) for each type of operation.
- PDRA: Apply by using a Predefined Risk Assessment (PDRA). This is a pre-made SORA for the operator.
- STS: Declare to operate using a standard scenario (STS). For this, the drone must have a certain C-classification, and the pilot must have passed the exam for STS. This does not apply until 2024.
- LUC: Apply to become a Light UAS Operator (LUC). A LUC can be authorised to approve their own SORA, PDRA or STS.