Which rules apply for drones that weigh less than 250 grams?
What rules apply for you and your drone below 250 grams of take-off weight depends mostly upon whether the drone has a camera and whether or not it is CE-marked as a toy in accordance with directive 2009/48/EF.
Many products on the European consumer market are CE-marked. The markings exist on all from tools and construction materials, to medical supplies and toys. This means that the product is approved in accordance with the authority's demands as described in directives or regulations.
A CE-marking on a drone therefore does not necessarily mean that it is a toy. For it to be regulated as a toy it has to be specifically CE-marked as such in accordance to directive 2009/48/EF. In order to find out whether or not the drone is CE-marked in accordance with the toy directive, one can check the EU declaration of conformity (DoC) that came with the drone.
Differences between drones with and without a camera, and with and without toy-marking
The difference between the rules for toy drones and drones that are defined as unmanned aircraft is that toy drones are exempt from the requirement registration.
The requirement for approved insurance under luftfartsloven § 11-2, does not apply to unmanned aircraft weighing less than 250 grams, including payload, and operated in the open category.
Rules for toy drones below 250 grams, with or without a camera
Persons who only own toy drones that weigh less than 250 grams (i.e. CE-marked as a toy in accordance with directive 2009/48/EF) are exempt from the obligation to register, take the course or exam.
They must read the instruction manual carefully and we do recommend taking our free online course on flydrone.no, even though this is optional.
Even though both registration and course and exam are non-compulsory, one has to follow the rules when flying drones. A basic summary can be found here.
Rules for drones (not toys) below 250 grams, without a camera
Read the instruction manual carefully. We do recommend taking our free online course in subcategory A1/A3 on flydrone.no, even though this is optional.
Even though both registration and course and exam are non-compulsory, also drone pilots with light-weight drones have to follow the rules when flying. A basic summary can be found here.
Rules for drones (not toys) below 250 grams, with a camera
Since the drone has a camera, the owner also register in the operator register, in Norway flydrone.no.
Read the instruction manual carefully. We do recommend taking our free online course in subcategory A1/A3 on flydrone.no, even though this is optional.
Drone pilots with light-weight drones have to follow the rules when flying. A basic summary can be found here.